Founded in 2016 in the northern mountains of Madrid, driven by Mari Cruz Planchuelo´s desire to create a space to talk about the human being from different aspects, through dance, the performer-actor-puppet manipulator.

For her first work, she joins Sonia Muñoz to create Fauno, an expressionist piece of dance and puppetry where they reflect upon the beautiful and monstrous.

M​aría Cruz Planchuelo
Creator, Dancer, Puppeteer, Teacher and Specialist in Community Dance (1977).

She is a real-time composer and improviser and for 20 years she has combined creation with teaching and cultural management.
She has designed and built her own sets since 2003: Mitka, Flá: Su vida en la Danza, (Her life in Dance), El Telar, “...Maya YhI, Tara...”, “...Durga, Gea, Danu...”, Vertical, Fuga, Bandada, Vuelo de Libélulas (Flight of the Dragonflies), Trazos Simbióticos (Symbiotic Strokes), Trazos (Strokes), Verde (Green), El despertar de la Música y la Danza, (The Awakening of Music and Dance), La chica de Cristal (The Glass Girl) ...

She has collaborated with several companies: Fura dels Baus,Teatro Real, Larumbe-dance, Sol Picó, Albert Boadella, Paco Clavel, Morboria, Chevi Muraday, Sara García-Guisado, Marina Bollaín, and the composer, José María Sánchez Verdú...
In 2012 she met Ale Prieto, director of the company, The Winged Cranes, who specialises in Bunraku and Otome. She joined the company performing in Bernarda's Backstage, El cuerpo ausente (The absent body) and El sillón (The armchair).
Coordinator of the stage productions, Menosuno and Masuno, 2006-12.

She has taught Improvisation workshops in Spain and South America.
Since 2003, she has worked at the Carlos III University as well as in the ISEP Music Therapy Master.

Based in the northern mountains of Madrid, she has created educational and artistic projects in rural areas.

She created the Dance Area in the Bustarviejo Municipal School, and has developed community dance projects.She is also involved with La Alcarria-Guadalajara, bringing Community Dance to disadvantaged areas.

In 2016 she set up her own school and collaborated with different teachers and artists.

Postgraduate in "Contemporary Tendencies in Dance". Body Mind Centering, Certificate in Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Psychomotor Technician, Art "Theatre of Dance" Madrid and Applied Arts of Sculpture. She received two grants from the Ministry of Culture for Professional Training in New York and Buenos Aires.

Awarded a scholarship in 2002 in Amsterdam by Katie Durk.

Currently studying Clown, Jester and Theatre, with Joaco Martín.